BAE Systems Use CDG 3D Printers To Support The NHS

BAE Systems Use CDG 3D Printers To Support The NHS

From East Lancashire Post: BAE switches 3D printers to making face shields for NHS staff
By Aban Quaynor, Chief Reporter.

An aerospace giant is busy making face shields for frontline medical staff. BAE Systems said its industrial and smaller-scale 3D printers are supporting the personal protective equipment (PPE) effort, producing face shields as well as innovative ‘door claws’ that help care homes reduce the spread of infection through door handles.

As of last week, the company said it had 3D-printed more than 1,800 sets of head straps from Samlesbury which have been delivered to NHS workers in Blackburn, Preston, and Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, along with more than 5,200 plastic visors which we were bought from BAE’s suppliers.

Nationally, the company has delivered 64,000 face shields so far, with 145,000 expected to be delivered in total.

Richard Hamilton, manufacturing and support director at BAE Systems, comments: “We’ve had an amazing response to our recent announcement that we’re donating PPE to the NHS. This has been a real team effort at a difficult time for everyone. Employees across our Air, Maritime and Electronic Systems sectors, as well as our suppliers, are all rallying to play their part in the national endeavour as we work together to ramp up and further increase the supply of vital protective equipment to the frontline.

“As a result of everyone’s collective efforts, we’ve been able to respond to requests to send equipment directly to medical staff in our local communities working in GP surgeries, the ambulance service and hospices, as well sending supplies to NHS hospitals and trusts.”

In addition to its PPE efforts, BAE said it is a proud member of VentilatorChallengeUK, a consortium of companies rapidly producing ventilators in the fight against Covid-19.

The firm’s role includes using its Typhoon simulation training expertise to develop training materials for people completing factory acceptance testing of each ventilator before it is handed to the NHS.



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