Fusion F410 vs Ultimaker S5
Based on notes and the comparison table from Fusion3Design website, the Fusion F410 stacks up very favourably against the Ultimaker S5 3D printer.
Fusion F410 wins on:-
- Build volume
- Head temperature
- Finer filament
- Nozzle material
- Warranty
- Price
Fusion F410 | Ultimaker S5 | |
Build volume | 355x355x315mm | 330x240x300mm |
Printheads | Single | Dual |
Layer thickness | 20 microns | 20 microns |
Max head temp | 300 deg C | 280 deg C |
Filament diameter | 1.75mm | 2.85mm |
Steel nozzles for CF | Yes | No |
Warranty | 2 years | 1 year |
Price, approx. | £4,000 | £8,000 |
Data based on a review of the product data as published on the manufacturers websites in March 2021; accuracy of the data is not guaranteed; data is subject to change.
3D Printer Selection Chart
For a greater choice of FFF printers, please see:-
FFF 3D Printer Selection Chart