Carbon Fibre Novamid® ID1030-CF10 PA6/66 500g

Carbon Fibre Novamid® ID1030-CF10 PA6/66 500g

Novamid® ID1030 CF10 is a new carbon fibre filled polyamide 6/66 that prints durable structural parts with high dimensional stability, warpage free.


Carbon Fibre (ID1030-CF10) Radar Chart

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Product description

Carbon Fibre Novamid – PA6/66

Novamid® ID1030 CF10 can 3D-print high-performance and durable structural end-use parts, making 3D printing technology a viable option for demanding automotive structural applications that require robust performance at elevated temperatures. With a carbon fibre loading of just 10%, Novamid® ID1030 CF10 prints parts with properties close to what is usually achievable only by injection moulding. It can be printed at the same speeds as unreinforced plastics, while achieving considerably better strength and toughness.

General printing guidelines *

Nozzle size: ≥ 0.5mm Layer height:  0.1mm * Flow rate: ± 100%
Print temp: ± 260 – 285° C * Print speed: Medium / High * Retraction: Depends
Heat bed: ± 60 – 120° C * Fan speed: 0% Printing surface: PEI Sheet + DimaFix
Enclosed printer needed: Yes Heated Build Chamber: Preferred / Yes Experience level: Intermediate

Technical Specification

Novamid carbon fibre TDS