Introducing Geomagic Wrap 2021 r2
Geomagic Wrap® provides the industry’s most well-known toolset to transform 3D scan data and imported files into 3D models for immediate use in downstream engineering applications
across a variety of industries.
Accelerate design and enable a faster time to market with the new capabilities
and enhancements in Geomagic Wrap 2021:
• New script editor and enhanced documentation for easy-to-learn and -use Python® automation
• Enhanced macro documentation to speed up your everyday workflows
• New and enhanced texture manipulation tools to streamline color and texture workflows
• New surface checking tools provide surface investigation methods for meshes, Exact and Auto-surfacing
• New mesh construction method to use on patchy and long-range data
Scripting Automation
A new scripting editor enables you to customize your workflow for unique applications. This enables a simpler experience and shorter learning curve to implement smallor large-scale automation or customized projects. New features like Auto Complete and Contextual Highlighting are complemented by enhanced API documentation that you can access in Geomagic Wrap or on the 3D Systems customer support center website and the new macro help functionality.
Texture Manipulation Tools
New texture manipulation tools streamline workflows involving color and texture. Geomagic Wrap 2021 includes a more robust set of texture map manipulation tools to control custom texture groupings on a model. These new tools enable you to create higher-quality, more logical texture maps for improved downstream usability.
Inspection/Analysis Tools
New analysis capabilities help retain 3D comparison models between objects to easily tune, verify, and check processes.
• Use new annotations on comparisons to further investigate model areas.
• Reference previous 3D comparisons as you work on models with the existing 3D comparison in the model manager.
HD Mesh Construction
A new HD Mesh Construction method provides a powerful way to construct polygon objects from point clouds. This can be a particularly challenging operation for scans that are missing information or are time intensive with large data sets. HD Mesh Construction helps overcome these challenges, enabling you to create watertight meshes faster.