NHS Supported By CDG Customers


CDG Customers supports NHS!

CDG are pleased to be able to support our 3D Printer customers with materials and printers, in these difficult times, especially those companies and organisations who are supporting the NHS with the provision of face masks and other equipment.

This is one testimonial…

“I just wanted to say thank you for all the support yourselves and CDG have given us over the past couple of weeks during such difficult circumstances. Your swift response, with both the supply of materials and the visit [from your service team], has enabled us to ramp up our production of face visors to support the vital work of the NHS at this time. Our three machines are now running around the clock, and as always are increasingly proving their worth each day. We are only a small part of what is truly a national effort, but we couldn’t have done what we have without your help!”

Best wishes
CDG UK Customer



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